Startide Rising, Beggar’s Ride, The Postman

 Puppy: off

I’m not dictating today because I don’t feel like freeing up the memory to run ViaVoice, the Incredible Resource Hog. See if you can tell the difference, Christine.

I’ve just added a few more links to the [former brog home page], as well as linking yours brogly at eatonweb portal - […] and I didn’t even have to embezzle a blogger account. Little did I know that blogging was a movement. I feel so trendy…

I finished Startide Rising today, a little late because I picked up my sister’s copy of Beggars Ride while I was down the street feeding Nice Cat and Mean Iguana. Beggars Ride was one of those books where you get closer and closer to the back cover and you realize that there’s just not enough room left for a decent ending, despite Nancy Kress’ willingness to nuke every character that could have posed a plot complication. Also, the final gametes seemed to undermine the theme of unmodified human resillience. Nevertheless, it saved me from the dreaded Blue Mars for one more day, so it wasn’t all bad.

Startide Rising was a perfect book. I enjoyed David Brin’s The Postman a few weeks ago, but it was more a collection of novellas than a novel. Startide Rising had no such obvious flaws, although the hijinks at the end seemed to be telegraphed for quite a large portion of the book. The copyright page mentions an earlier version in Analog, but I wouldn’t have otherwise pegged it as a novella stretched on the rack to form a novel (cf. Ender’s Game).

Well, I’m supposed to be making some edits on someone else’s book, which means The Wrong Novel is on hold yet again. In fact, the entire Wrong Trilogy is on hold until the economy collapses enough that I’m completely unemployed. Sigh…

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