The Captain and the Counselor

I can’t believe I read the whole thing.

I’m a Voyager girl, so it takes a lot for me to read TNG. Picard/Crusher makes me retch, with one exception. In fact, any TNG crew pairings feel like your parents getting together, and who wants to read fanfiction about that? So I’m still not sure how I got drawn into the Captain and Counselor series, but here I am, many megabytes later, practically liking Deanna Troi.

The series begins with “Elephants in the Lift”, which introduces the ultimate in off-the-wall pairings - not even the Evil Twins could have come up with P/T, but Lori pulls it off convincingly. Near the end of the infinite series, in “Actions Speak Louder”, all the characters, old and new, are drawn into mysterious doings in the Briar Patch. If you like DS9, action-adventure, or the dark doings of Starfleet renegades, “Actions Speak Louder” and “Leopards on a Limb” are for you.

Maybe Lori’s answer to post-series TNG will inspire me to write some AQ VOY.

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