Does Not Play Well With Others

I was up on the auction block again today (technically, yesterday)…or in modern terms, I had another job interview. I don’t interview well. When my boss tells me that, it just reminds me of second grade report cards saying “does not play well with others”. Tell me something new. Only time will tell whether I go on being a starving artist or get to be a well-fed artist until this company, like my last one (of the boss with the obvious comments), sinks in the quicksand that passes for the Boston economy.

This real-life example of how you never really escape grade school brings us back to the bitter maggot theme. Liz was kind enough to point me in the direction of ENT fandom, though I did have to beg for two days. I can’t help thinking that no one invited me to the ENT party because I said the wrong thing about someone’s eighties batwing hairstyle or something.

If ASC is anything to judge by, ENT fic is purely reactionary so far. Except for an excellent little T/Tu (funny how that still says Torres/Tuvok to me) by Seema and the ubiquitous Captain’s Dog’s Log, it all seems like an exercise in rehashing the episodes. Was it already a week ago today that I said, “I hate it when people transcribe the show and call it fanfic, without even the humorous stage directions provided by Jim”? And I was thinking of the millions of times I’ve read the Angry Warrior Speech in fan fiction, not a future of rehashes of the Alien Spore Paranoia episode.

Alien spores ought to be more fun.

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