
I finally got around to running my logs through Analog - it’s been over a month since I’ve done them. The DNS lookup alone took hours.

Logs are always a humbling experience. So many hits, so little feedback. For example, The Dance has gotten almost a hundred hits since I entered it in the Twelve Moons of JuPiter contest, and no feedback. None. Zero. Zip. Technically, that divides out to infinitely little feedback, but it’s pretty close to my running estimate, based on my logs, that I get one piece of email per hundred hits.

So maybe it just bites the big one, and not in a positive, vampiric sense of the phrase, right? Wrong. It’s probably the best thing B’Elanna the Canon-Correcting Muse ever wrote, it’s her most highly-decorated story, and it’s also, if I do say so myself, not half-bad.

Sometimes lists are better for feedback, but sometimes they just ignore your bright shining new filk completely. Actually, I just checked again, and I got one response out of the thousand people total on the two lists I posted it to. So lists can be much, much worse. If a thousand people visited my site, I’d get more feedback than that out of it.

I wish writing fanfic didn’t involve quite so much publicity work - joining lists, posting over and over and over again, fighting with newsservers and the resulting spam. If only there were one big searchable index for everyone’s fic…

To dream the impossible dream… I still need to filk that for my filk musical. There’s no rest for the ficcy.

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