International Day of Feedback

Did someone declare an International Day of Feedback and not tell me? In the few short hours I’ve been awake (yes, I was up all night writing an “After Life” episode insertion), I’ve gotten feedback for my Buffy filk (from a fellow filker, of course) and for three old Voyager stories (The Unity of the Multiverse, Thrive, and The Bottle of Bajoran Blue Wine, for those of you who still remember the agony and the ecstasy that was VOY).

To be fair, one of the feedbackers wasn’t sure that I wrote Thrive. Maybe B’Elanna wrote that one…it’s hard to recall the details now. VOY is getting all misty and rosy on me. (We have a word in Portuguese for the sort of nostalgia you have for the old country that you fled as fast as the steamship would carry you away at the time: saudades.) But honestly, Feedbackers Appearing from the Woodwork, I wasn’t begging for mail. B’Elanna’s awards are enough recognition for me, until I round up that elusive Hugo.

Why do I do it, if not for the feedback? Well, in the words of The Great Bird of the Hellmouth,

‘Cause she is
Drawn to the fire
Some people never learn
She will never learn

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