All Geek, All The Time

Well, I’ve fixed the Netscape 4.x problem again. Moveable type wrote over my stylesheet last time, because I was trying to be sneaky and edit it on the server instead of through the MT interface. You can set up MT to work that way, but you can’t do it both ways. I wanted to have my cake and eat it too…

I’ve also finished going through my old Blogger entries to give them MT titles and categories. So now, if you look in the Quizzes category, you’ll see all the online quizzes I’ve ever blogged. And so forth. It wasn’t necessary, but it was geeky, so I did it.

There’s a killer thread going in ASC about contest suggestions, and I have more ideas about that alien transmitting messages to me through my molars (i.e., the muse), but for the moment I must keep up the illusion that I work here.

One Response to “All Geek, All The Time”

  1. Lori Says:

    By all means, join the fray. Though no one will ever get Rabble to concede *anything*. The categorizing thingie is something that’s overdue for reworking, though.