Filk a Filk

It hasn’t been ten minutes since I threatened to do this on ASC, and here it is:

Title:    Filk, Filk a Filk
Original: "Sing, Sing a Song"
Disclaimer:  Lyrics and music of "Sing, Sing a Song" are by Joe Raposo.  This parody is protected as such by the copyright laws of the United States of America.


Filk, filk a filk
Filk it proud
Filk it long
Filk of science not faith
Filk of species not race.

Filk, filk a filk
Make a rondel to last
The whole night long
Don't worry that it won't rhyme enough for anyone else to bear
Just filk, filk a filk.

Filk, filk a filk
Let the stars filk along
Filk of futures to be
Filk of Adam and Eve.

Filk, filk a filk
Make a rondel to last
The whole night long
Don't worry that it won't rhyme enough for anyone else to bear
Just filk, filk a filk.

Plus, a blogsticker from the blogsticker factory: Textual Snaper

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