In the News

I’m behind on the Boston news - Bernard Cardinal Law is in deep doo-doo. I say revoke his citizenship while he’s still in Rome, and solve all manner of problems for the diocese. I think the latest release of church documents has turned even the most forgiving of public opinion against him. You have to live in Massachusetts to appreciate just how exhaustive the coverage of the pedophilia scandal has been. This is not the place to be if you’re a priest.

And the bad news doesn’t end there. The state is raiding training funds to pay for something or other. One-third of the office space in Boston is available for rent at the moment. Unemployment is up 40,000 instead of down 40,000 as predicted. It looks like this will be a real winter, not the farce of the last few years - as the 24 hours straight of snow last week foreboded.

I had the world’s worst T experience today. In the morning 4 teens got on the train, one of them crying like a baby. I was looking around for the papoose-in-a-sack, but it was, indeed, a teenager imitating a baby. At first I thought she might be retarded, until she swore up a storm at an Indian passenger.

Then, on my way home, I got into one of those conversations with the crazy people who ride the T. He said you can make $10-$20 an hour begging at Harvard Ave. Maybe I should switch careers…

There was an FBI raid last week that I forgot to mention on a South Shore software company - fortunately not mine. A piece of advice - don’t take VC funding from Osama bin Laden, no matter how hard-up you are. If you’d like to fund my company, please email me at…

One Response to “In the News”

  1. LizB Says:

    Only you, Jemima …

    Sounds like your train journeys are more interesting than mine.