Diligent in My Vigilance

Sock of the day: Morn!

The Governor has advised me (and six million others) to remain diligent in my vigilance. I’m not ready. I don’t know how to turn off the gas. I have no plastic sheeting. I don’t even own a roll of duct tape. I don’t quite understand the warning signs, either.

At least I’m not out in the streets blocking traffic. What a war protest that is - annoy everyone who might possibly have sympathized with your cause, and beat up the police on the side. What ever happened to signs and sing-a-longs?

All we are saying….is give war a chance

3 Responses to “Diligent in My Vigilance”

  1. Leonieke Says:

    Concerning the Sock of the Day.

    There is a lot to be said for staying in character :)

  2. mike hollihan Says:

    I still don’t understand the logic of screwing up the day for the working men and women who need to go through the demos to get to work, making them suffer, instead of attacking the media and government offices that are “responsible.” I mean, yeah, the press wouldn’t cover you favorably any more and yeah, you’d get long, Federal prison terms, but… Oh, wait….

  3. » |mind of knowledge| « Says:

    should I get me some too?
    Things I do & happen to me & a few thoughts :): was it “duck tape”? ;) wonderful little image for all those in the States — I guess it ties in with this one: Diligent in my Vigilance…