Moving Day Again

Well, the post ID’s have been laundered and the blog has moved again. (Previous moves were from Blogspot to Freeshell and then from Blogger to MovableType.) Look up at the location bar and you’ll see that you were transported to the new host without even knowing it. Blog-related links should work, but almost all non-blog links are currently broken - check the main page on Freeshell if you need something that isn’t here yet.

4 Responses to “Moving Day Again”

  1. Rocky Says:

    “you were transported to the new host without being aware of it”

    Darn–I kind of like that tingly transporter effect! Sorry to have missed it .

  2. Jemima Says:

    If you watch very carefully, you can see the URL switch…

  3. -lc- Says:

    can you tell me the new url to find your snazzy styleswitcher and stylesheets? I can’t seem to access them and I guess it’s because of this move :(

  4. Jemima Says:

    The demo styleswitcher is still at Freeshell: The instructions are in the style section, though the links there may not work correctly. If you find one that breaks, try replacing with

    The management apologizes for the inconvenience.