Dark Matter Mafia

Link of the day: The Aether - A Reasonably Complex Guide To Special Relativity

I’m not sure whether I mentioned before that I don’t believe in dark matter. The Dark Matter Skeptics came out of the woodwork to challenge the Dark Matter Mafia at Slashdot. My favorite comment was about the Dark Matter Zombies, but the most useful one pointed me to the MOND pages.

According to the FAQ, MOND stands for MOdified Newtonian Dynamics. It is a modification of the usual Newtonian force law hypothesized in 1983 by Moti Milgrom of the Weizmann Institute as an alternative to Dark Matter. That is to say, there’s no dark matter out there. What’s actually happening is that gravity behaves differently at very small accelerations. So far it’s mostly ad hoc, but no more so than filling the universe with dark matter no one has ever seen.

Which would you rather have, variable gravity or heavy aether?

One Response to “Dark Matter Mafia”

  1. Jemima Says:

    I don’t mind dark matter as fiction. Aether is also deep, interesting stuff - just not real stuff.