
Sorry I couldn’t find the time to blog yesterday, what with that hour so rudely yanked from my evening. (Now there’s an excuse you don’t hear every day!) A recent shipment of educational videos from Jerie didn’t help, either.

My excuse for this sorry entry is a trip with a gaggle of minor cousins to the exhibit of Caroline Kennedy’s dolls at the JFK Library and Museum. Don’t let the low-key website fool you - the JFK Library is a major Boston institution, devoted to Brookline’s favorite son. You know that a spot of ground is holy in Boston when it has a T stop named after it, and the JFK comes first in JFK/UMass.

It’s very rarely that I say this, but the JFK Library is a lovely piece of modern architecture. I could almost forgive I. M. Pei for Government Center after seeing it. That black bit is all glass, with a spectacular view of Massachusetts Bay. It’s also neat, clean and modern inside, setting it apart from other Boston T-stop institutions such as the Museum of Science (Science Park stop on the Green Line), where many of the exhibits are broken and/or haven’t been updated in forty years (really - the museum itself is 174 years old) - or on the other hand, the only slightly less shabby yet far more insolvent New England Aquarium (Aquarium stop on the Blue Line), which is no longer accredited by the American Zoo and Aquarium Association.

I don’t mean to complain about the third-world conditions again, just to point out that the People of the Monarchy of Massachusetts support the royal family first and foremost, in their hearts and in their wallets. As we strolled the hallowed halls, saw the sacred artifacts, heard the timeless speeches, and read the undying words of the nation’s most beloved president, even a lower-case r republican like myself couldn’t help feeling that the king is dead, long live the king.

It’s a Massachusetts thing.

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