Just don’t call them Borg…

Fic of the day: Rubber Sword, a Ninja!Daniel SG story by Milareppa. Just keep in mind that it’s humor. (Note: the NC-17 rating is completely undeserved. I didn’t even notice the PG-13 language on which it’s allegedly based.) Thanks to Jerie for the rec.

I laughed along with everyone else when I heard about the Borg episode of Enterprise. In my Empty Shell drabble The Full Shell, I snarked at the whole pattern of Archer meeting species that Captain Kirk met for the first time a hundred years later. But the lure of the Borg is stronger than the natural aversion to Enterprise, and so I finally got around to watching “Regeneration” tonight.

It wasn’t all that bad, really. After a long lag of no ENT, Scott Bakula’s acting was a fresh and painful shock, but fortunately there were two whole segments of arctic Borgcicles with no Enterprise crew at all before the inevitable whining started. Of course it’s completely unbelievable that these people with their sticks and stones (phase pistols and hull plating) could both defeat the nameless Borg and cure assimilation completely - but this is a matter of degree, not of kind. Janeway also walked a few miles in the Borg’s cybernetic moccasins and defeated them time and time again when she shouldn’t have been able to. At least she did it with style and a-dish-best-served-cold hatred - she never felt guilty about spacing drones.

As an early adopter of the just don’t call them Borg fanfix, I enjoyed seeing it on the little screen. (Like Gene Roddenberry, I get no compensation when TPTB rip off my ideas and make a hash of them. Maybe the Great Bird is being punished for what he did to Harlan Ellison, but what have I ever done?) I also found it ironic that Archer caused the Borg invasion of the Alpha Quadrant, including the massacre at Wolf 359, by his trademark indecisiveness. And you thought his acting was painful!

The thing is, at the end of the episode he knows the Borg will be back in the 24th century. He could have at least left somebody a note about it, just as long as he didn’t call them Borg…

4 Responses to “Just don’t call them Borg…”

  1. Jerie Says:

    I can’t believe you finally liked a story I recced. Yeah! And one rated NC-17! *g* - but then maybe your standards are getting lower since you also liked ENT.
    Wonders will never cease!

  2. Jemima Says:

    Well, there were some problems early on, but humor covers a multitude of sins. The ending was a riot.

    I don’t like ENT - it’s more of a train wreck I have to watch every now and then. I should be good for another year after the latest dose of Bakula’s acting.

  3. Jerie Says:

    Another fic rec: http://www.neon-hummingbird.com/storyteller/fiction/sg1_campfire.html

    And I like the new look.

  4. Jemima Says:

    Not bad, but nothing happens - I’m dying the death of a thousand vignettes here. I’m also not sure that the members of SG-1 (a) each get their own tent, or (b) “talk down” one another’s bad dreams.