The Horror!

As hinted in previous entries, I have a new job. This will mean more True Tales of the T and also assorted Windows at Work horror stories. Now you, too, can experience the clashing blue/green infamy of Windows XP from the relative safety of your RSS reader or friends list.

Today’s horror story is brought to you live by the OS. When I was AFK, innocently assembling my lunch, Windows decided to update itself (fine so far) and also reboot itself (not so good). I had all sorts of programs and Firefox tabs open at the time. Fortunately I got back to my desk while it was still counting down and stopped it. It tried again just a few minutes later. Next time I’m going to let it and see whether it really dumps all my stuff and reboots. More to follow…

2 Responses to “The Horror!”

  1. PixelCort » Firefox SessionSaver Says:

    […] x SessionSaver
    Filed under: General — Cortland Klein @ 878 (12:05 PST)

    The Horror! As for losing your Firefox state when your OS desides to exit it witho […]

  2. Jemima Says:

    Indeed, the OS of Evil closed all my programs without asking in order to reboot itself. I watched in horror as it did it.

    I don’t think SessionSaver will save your data if you were blogging or composing a web email when the OS decided to tank.