Don’t Try This at Home

Birthday of the day: Happy Birthday, Seema! A LiveJournal outage isn’t much of a present, though. Next time ask for fic.

I got a baby crockpot (1.5 quarts) on sale at CVS. I searched the net for teeny-weeny crockpot recipes, and all I found was this Stepford Wife porridge recipe. But somewhere I did find the good advice to take a Big Crockpot recipe and cut it down for a Small Crockpot. Duh! That works pretty well.

There’s nothing like coming home to find that the little electronic wife has made you dinner!

One Response to “Don’t Try This at Home”

  1. Seema Says:

    Thanks, J. I got fic from Rocky, and thanks to the bday festivities, I missed most of the outage. I’m contemplating a crockpot as well, but I’m not sure there are many veggie recipes for them.

    I will be online later tonight, I think. I waited for you but you didn’t show, so I will try to make another appearance tonight, but depends how the clean-up, getting ready for work thing goes.