A Fanfic New Year

With the conclusion of AAA and the ASC Awards, a new fanfic year starts for me. In the course of the past month and a half, I’ve been reading reams of fanfic, including almost all the VOY fic posted to ASC this year, some TOS, TNG and MIS (miscellaneous Star Trek works not necessarily associated with a show), and at least the beginning of every non-smut story in AAA. Now that the feedbacking frenzy and AAA voting are over, I have time to write again.

Reading and evaluating all that fic, even if it’s only for a 1-2-3 vote in AAA, is a lot of work, so it’s insulting when someone like the person Rocky blogged about accuses you of having voted for your friends or otherwise unjustly ignored his latest masterpiece. It’s also discouraging to see minions and sockpuppets trying to undermine the voting process.

One thing that doesn’t bother me is losing. I didn’t place in AAA, but I read some memorable stories (all by other people who didn’t place, but that’s another kettle of fish). I don’t know what the results are for ASC, but I’m not going to be Best Author or anything of the sort and that’s fine with me. I figure I’m a writer’s writer - that is, other writers seem to appreciate my writing more than the average reader does. That means fewer votes, but they’re more precious to me.

I love all the feedback, of course, and I never object to a nice graphic, but the biggest benefit of Awards season for me is reading other people’s fic that I’ve been putting off all year. I used to read and write only VOY, but gradually bites of TNG, TOS and MIS have been added to my menu. (ENT has been banned because no matter how good it is, it still reminds me of the show. Brrr.) And it’s that foray into reading TOS that brought you…

Khan filk! Sometime before Awards I’d thought of writing a Ceti Alpha V story, but, like many stories I thought of last year, I never actually wrote it. Then I read Rabble Rouser’s “Weeds” and started thinking again about my idea of Ceti Alpha V. I’ve always found that an overdose of other people’s fic gives the muse more ideas.

So my fanfic resolution is to write more TOS, possibly even involving some bridge crew - but that’s a stretch for me. I’m a Khan fan first and foremost.

One Response to “A Fanfic New Year”

  1. Lori Says:

    “writer’s writer.” I like that.