License to Snark

Word count: 0

The title is Sangerin’s term for the My Friends’ Fandoms meme, inspired by Seema’s response. CGB has a whole list of Stargate responses, but the best one is the Seema’s-eye view of Stargate:

Stargate-1 [sic] — Theirloveissocanon. Sam and Jack are there. Apparently they are in love. Or is it Daniel and Jack? Sam and/or Jack are female. I think. Someone on that show is supposed to be a hussy. They all travel through time and there are aliens because it’s in the future and it’s in space.

So here’s my view of fandom. Complaints should be directed to Seema, who incited this:

  • Alias: Like 24 Hours, but it never ends, and people never stop talking about it.
  • Angel: It’s a great show except for the title character, who still can’t act. Buffy with a side of evil lawyers.
  • Enterprise: Lots of whiny people and angsty fic, all over a show that could be used as a cheap form of anaesthesia in third-world countries.
  • Farscape/Firefly: In my mind, these two are the same show. If they were so great, why are they off the air, eh? Eh?
  • Harry Potter: A fandom in which every single pairing is equally controversial, even the twincest ones. Oh, and the people who brought us plagiarism.
  • Lord of the Rings: Nasty things done to nice hobbits and elves. JRR is spinning in his grave.
  • Pirates of the Caribbean: I hope the pirate and the girl get together, because that was the only chemistry in the entire movie.
  • Pros: Cop show that’s off the air but never ends. See Alias.
  • RPS: Nasty things done to real live people. How do you sleep at night?
  • Seachange: Hey, they have TV in Australia! Who would have guessed?
  • ville: Where all fans go in the end. Annoying teen superheroes.
  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Worf and his woman problems, and his Angry Klingon problems, and more of his woman problems. Oh, and Garak/Bashir. Dark and icky, just like the show.
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation: Lori is TNG.
  • X-Men: Annoying adult superheros. The one-eyed one can’t act.

5 Responses to “License to Snark”

  1. Melina Says:

    RPS: Nasty things done to real live people. How do you sleep at night?
    Seachange: Hey, they have TV in Australia! Who would have guessed?

    Hee! I feel like I should attempt to say something intelligent, but . . . hee!

  2. Lori Says:

    In my mind, these two are the same show. If they were so great, why are they off the air, eh? Eh?

    For the same reason TOS went off the air, more or less.

    Lori is TNG

    *blushes, runs off to write*

  3. Jemima Says:

    Brain and brain, what is brain?

    No one ever claimed that TOS should have been kept on the air because it was quality television that no one had given a chance, or broadcast in the proper episode order. TOS wasn’t a good show; it was the only show and the ratings just weren’t there.

    If today’s market supports garbage like Enterprise, then Farscape/Firefly has no excuse for going off the air. Look at Stargate - could you have a cheesier premise? Yet it’s been bought for an eighth season because people actually watch it.

    So I repeat, eh?

  4. Andrew Says:

    About Firefly, I will say this.
    FOX screwed the show from the start by airing episodes out of order. Because the characters and story were never properly introduced, viewers were confused and the show never got the ratings FOX wanted, so they cancelled it.
    Don’t believe me, then give the series a chance in the order the episodes were meant to be shown. It’s one of the best things out there.

  5. Jemima Says:

    I’m enjoying Farscape, and since they’re the same show I guess I’d like Firefly, too.