Jemima’s Annotated Guide to the Blog Wars

Jemima’s Annotated Guide to the Blog Wars

(Note as of mid-January: the Guide has moved into the wiki. Check there for new skirmishes.)

Note: Since Seema still hasn’t republished her archives, the Seema links may be a little funky. Page up instead of down.

Prelude: How an Ensign Became a Poolboy and The Poolboy Diaries (Seema, realpeople fic)
“I Blame Lori” (Seema)
The “Tobacco Company” Insult (Lori)
The “Enabler” Accusation (Seema)
Declaration of War (Lori)
Response to Declaration of War (Seema)
Blog Wars I (Lori, TOS)
From the Swiss Department of War (Liz, HP)
Blog Wars II (Seema, VOY)
Blog Wars III (Lori, TNG)
Blog Wars IV (Seema, DS9)
Blog Wars V (Lori, ENT)
Blog Wars VI (Seema, ENT)
Declaration of Neutrality (Seema, Liz)
The War in Liz’s Blogback and Jemima’s Dare to Conscript Her (Liz’s blogback)
The Son of Blog War! (Lori, ENT)
Eviction from Switzerland (Liz)
The Attack of William James (Seema, Jemima)
Armabloggen I (Jemima, BtVS)
Interludes (Seema, TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT)
Armabloggen II (Jemima, BtVS)
Armabloggen III (Lori, DS9, BtVS, TNG, tiny bit VOY & ENT)
Armabloggen IV (Seema, TNG, realpeople, etc.)
Armabloggen V (Jemima, BtVS, VOY, etc.)
Armabloggen VI (Lori, TOS/TNG/DS9/VOY/ENT/BtVS, realpeople)
‘Ships Happen (Seema, XOVER)
Jemima ex machina (Jemima, XOVER)
From the Swiss Department of War II (Liz, HP)
The Blogger Strikes Back (Lori, BtVS, Star Wars)
Bye Bye Bye (Seema, VOY, boybands, etc.)
And Don’t Let the Door Hit You on the Way Out (Jemima, poolboys)
Good with the drinks and the evil (Liz, HP)
Press Conference (Christinecgb, WW)

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