Archive for the 'Sudoku' Category

History of Sudoku

Tuesday, December 13th, 2005

American Scientific has a nice history of sudoku which I found through the LJ sudoku community. The math is a little fishy, but it’s still worth the read.

And for my fellow nonomino addicts: check out the stairstep sudokus in the sudoku place archives.

Nonomino Sudoku

Sunday, December 4th, 2005

I’m thinking of expanding my Sudoku addiction to include nonomino sudoku, which has random shapes for the sub-grids instead of squares. There are zillions of free nonomino puzzles in PDF format at Hans Boldt’s web site.

More Sudoku Madness

Friday, November 4th, 2005

I had no idea there were Sudoku Dashboard Widgets out there. It’s the perfect NaNo break…

Sudoku Mania

Wednesday, September 14th, 2005

I was introduced to the Sudoku fad through the ever-disposable Metro, the newspaper of choice for Boston commuters. But you can also play on the web.