Archive for the 'Mac' Category

PantyCat Strikes Again!

Sunday, May 8th, 2005

Pantycat is now a Dashboard widget called Maki. I orce wrote my own Konfabulator widget just to play the game, so I suspect that more addiction is in my near future. Plus some hacking…

There’s also a Wiki Widget that I skipped and some useful ones I downloaded. (If a widget doesn’t install automatically, toss it into /Library/Widgets.) I’m also thinking of turning the color wheel into a color widget after I read the Dashboard tutorial.


Friday, May 6th, 2005

It seems that iTunes was just the beginning of Apple’s Windows invasion. Bonjour, the software formerly known as Rendezvous, is now available for Windows. It’s not really end-user software, but it’s an interesting sign of Things To Come.


Monday, May 2nd, 2005

Brain of the day: His Brain, Her Brain

Daring Fireball has a page of cool Tiger details including one that I can’t wait to see in action: modify the modifier keys. This will put uControl out of business (it was free) and hopefully clear up that pesky uControl problem of caps-lock turning into control-lock on sleep.


Tiger is Coming!

Thursday, April 28th, 2005

My Tiger is in the mail, but Slashdot already links some reviews of tomorrow’s MacOS, including a David Pogue review in the New York Times. (I used the BugMeNot FireFox extension to read it.)

Here Kitty, Kitty

Tuesday, April 12th, 2005

Tiger is coming! The official release date is April 29th. I’m looking forward to Dashboard and Safari RSS. (I love NetNewsWireLite as much as the next machead, but I just don’t have time for a separate RSS application.) I’m sure I’ll enjoy all 200 new features.


Monday, March 28th, 2005

Lego link of the day: Han Solo in Carbonite (thanks to GeekPress)

I followed an ad from Daring Fireball to Rogue Amoeba, because the ad highlighted itself when I moused over it and I liked the effect enough to read it. Of the Roguish products, the one I found most interesting was Audio Hijack. I think I may have some freeware on my mac that does the same thing (audio recording of, say, iTunes radio broadcasts), but AH looks like a nice, cheap alternative.

Another interesting Rogue of the Day is Bansky, who put up his own art in four New York museums. I especially like his motto: “just because we don’t care, doesn’t mean we don’t understand.” Thanks once again to GeekPress for the link.

Fun with Powerbooks

Friday, March 25th, 2005

w00kie at flickr has pictures up of desktop images that simulate transparent screens. Here’s the slideshow version.


Monday, March 21st, 2005

Management status report of the day: back from the dustbowl and ready to blog!

In the course of a cautionary tale of font caches, John Gruber calls the Mac OS X spinning beachball SPOD a “Spinning Pizza of Death.”

In rumor news, crazy people expect a two-button mouse, though even the folks at Slashdot could tell you that won’t play in Peoria.

In iPod Shuffle news, see a crazy man put a shuffle inside his headphones to create … Shufflephones!

Trade Secrets

Thursday, March 17th, 2005

DaringFireball has been going on for a while now about the Apple vs. ThinkSecret case. (ThinkSecret is an Apple rumor site.)

It’s a corporate version of Celebrity vs. Tabloid, except that in California corporations have the law firmly on their side.

Pop-ups Popping Up

Thursday, March 10th, 2005

Lately I’ve noticed a few pop-ups sneaking into Safari. After more than a year of popup-free bliss, the sight of those unsightly windows is distressing. Todd Dominey thinks it’s being done with Flash, but I’ve also seen speculation (from Mike Soloman, the PithHelmet guy) that they’re being popped up using links that contain both a real URL and a javascript onclick event.